Course Outline
Module 1 - Critical Thinking
Module 2 - Clarity
What is Critical Thinking?
The Framework
Empty Bucket
Framerwork Recap
Framework Quiz (ungraded)
Clarity Introduction
Inspection - The Tool
Inspection - Exercise
Inspection - Debrief Exercise
How to ask Why?
So What?
Anticipatory Thinking
The Clarity Thinksheet - Introduction
The Clarity Thinksheet - Walkthrough
The Clarity Thinksheet - Exercise
The Clarity Thinksheet - Debrief & Summary
Clarity Quiz (Ungraded)
Module 3 - Conclusions
Conclusions Introduction
Deduction and Induction
The Premise
The Premise - A closer look
The Premise and Weights
Premise Components Exercise
The Premise - Automatic vs Critical Thinking
Conclusion Thinksheet - Introduction
Conclusion Thinksheet - Walkthrough
Conclusion Thinksheet - Exercise
Conclusion Thinksheet - Debrief and Summary
Presenting, Influence and Persuade
1 + 1 = 3
Conclusion Review
Conclusion Quiz (ungraded)
Module 4 - Decisions
Decisions Introduction
Decisions - Who , When and Need
The Decision Thinksheet - Introduction
The Decision Thinksheet - Walkthrough
The Decision Thinksheet - Exercise
The Decision Thinksheet - Debrief & Summary
Decisions Quiz (Ungraded)